We offer the following payment options:
- Cash
- Check
- Credit Card
- NO INTEREST¹ or Convenient, low monthly Payment Plans² from CareCredit or Alphaeon
We offer a 10% courtesy accounting adjustment to patients who do not have dental insurance and pay for their treatment in full with cash or check at time of service. A 7% discount will be applied if the balance is paid in full at time of service with a credit card.
Please note:
As a courtesy to our patients with dental insurance, we are happy to work with your carrier to maximize your benefit and directly bill them for reimbursement for your treatment. However, it is the responsibility of you, the insured, to ensure adequate coverage at time of service and to ensure proper payment of insurance portions.
If you have Delta Dental insurance coverage, you will receive insurance reimbursement checks at your residence and, therefore, will be responsible for the full fee at time of service.
For all other insurance policies that allow for the assignment of benefits, if we do not receive payment from your insurance carrier within 60 days, you will be responsible for payment of your treatment fees and collection of your benefits directly from your insurance carrier.
You will also be responsible for reasonable collection fees, attorney’s fees, and court costs incurred in any attempt by Titus Dentistry to collect amounts owed.
Your estimated portion will be collected at the time of service.
For procedures that incur a lab fee, 50% will be collected at the start of treatment, and the remainder will be due at delivery or completion of the procedure. If you choose to discontinue care before treatment is complete, your refund will be determined upon review of your case.
Titus Dentistry charges $50 for returned checks.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help!