Financial Policy
All fees for dental services are due at the time services are rendered.
All patients are expected to pay their full ballance a the time of the vist. It is not always possible to predict which services are covered by your insurance carrier or how much they will pay for a particular service.
As a courtesy to our patients, we can file directly with certain insurance carriers, even though the fees for dental services are due at the time the service is rendered.
Please understand that if your insurance carrier does not remit payment within 30 days, the account reverts to a self-pay status and the full balance is owed by you.
Should an insurance payment ever be made directly to you, your balance with the clinic shall be due in full in 10 days. There will be a $5.00 monthly rebilling charge for any balance over 30 days.
If payment is not received within 45 days, your account is subject to be sent to collections. Returned checks will be fined $25 per incidence, plus any bank return fees. Checks written from a closed bank account will be charged under felony charges or theft of services. Any court costs that have accrued will be owed by you.