By clicking "Yes" below, you understand the services you provide will be a donation and under no circumstances you will expect wages, salary, or benefits from PAFNW.
You will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.
PAFNW asks each volunteer maintain a level of decorum and respect for everyone when volunteering.
The Volunteer agrees to indemnify and hold PAFNW harmless against any damages related to the Volunteer’s activity. Additionally, the PAFNW shall hold the Volunteer harmless against any damages related to the Volunteer’s service.
Any and all legal proceedings that may arise from this volunteer agreement shall remain in the jurisdiction of British Columbia. The Volunteer agrees that in the instance of legal proceedings they will cooperate with the PAFNW as well as the PAFNW’s agents. The Volunteer agrees to provide written notification to the PAFNW in the event that an incident takes place while the Volunteer is providing services.
Only those best suited will be contacted.