LIFT '24-'25 Registration
Ladies in Faith Together, Corpus Christi's small group Bible study for women
Participant Name
First Name
Last Name
Participant Email
Participant Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Participant Birthday
(Month and day only. 😉)
City of Residence
Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Relation to participant
You have my permission to provide my contact information, and my emergency contact's information, to the other ladies in LIFT.
Which group time are you signing up for?
Tuesday Mornings @ 9am
Thursday Afternoons @ 1pm
Thursday Evenings @ 6:30pm
Do you have a group member or leader you would like to be placed with?
I am interested in serving:
Group leader
Group hospitality
Meeting set-up
Service projects
LIFT events
Thank you for registering for LIFT '24-'25!
After you submit your registration, you will be re-routed to the Corpus Christi online giving page to pay your $20 fee via credit card. You may, however, also choose to pay your fee via check brought directly to the Parish Office. After paying, don't forget to return to to purchase your book for the Fall '24 session.
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