Due Diligence Form
Due Diligence Form
IRS Required questions to verify information on your tax return. Only need to fill this out if I request that you do so.
First Name
Last Name
Last 4 digits of your SSN
Marital Status on December 31 of tax year
Please Select
Single (Not legally married on Dec 31)
Married Living with Spouse
Married Not Living with Spouse since July 1
First Name of 1st Dependent
Dependent 1
Please Select
Lives with me for the entire tax year
Lives with me for part of the tax year
Does not live with me
First Name of Dependent 2
Dependent 2
Please Select
Lives with for the entire tax year
Lives with me for part of the tax year
Does not live with me
First Name of Dependent 3
Dependent 3
Please Select
Lives with me for the entire tax year
Lives with me for part of the tax year
Does not live with me
First Name of Dependent 4
Dependent 4
Please Select
Lives with me for the entire tax year
Lives with me for part of the tax year
Does not live with me
Earned Income Credit
Please Select
I have never been denied the earned income credit
I have been denied the earned income credit by the IRS
Review of Income
Please Select
I have submitted all of my income and related tax documents to Todd's Tax Service LLC
I am waiting for additional income related documents
I have questions about my income
Does anyone else claim one or more of your children as a dependent?
Not Sure
Need clarification
Type a question if you have any concerns regarding this form.
Should be Empty: