Submit a Product
Store/Designer Name
Tell us your store/designer name. (This will appear alongside your products).
Tell us the price of your product in $USD using a standard commercial license. Extended licenses will be set at 4x this price.
Product Name
Tell us the name of your product
Product Description
Give a detailed description of your product.
Product Specs
Tell us the file types/programs needed to use your product.
Asset Upload 1
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Drop your asset files here in a .zip folder. Please ensure that all of your files follow a clean and easy to follow structure with named folders.
Asset Upload 2
If you cannot use the above uploader, please create a google drive/dropbox folder link and submit it here
Preview Images Upload 1
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Drop your product preview files here in a .zip folder. Please submit files at 1800 x 1800 or 1080 x 1080 px. Ensure your files are in JPEG format and are less than 1MB in file size. (Photoshop JPEG quality export at level 6/7 will usually result in less than 1MB file sizes).
Preview Images 2
Use this if you are unable to use the file uploader above. Please create a google drive/dropbox folder link and submit your preview folder link here.
Product Tags
Tell us some tags that represent your product, this will help customers find them on the store. Example: Bold, Heavy, Neon
Should be Empty: