Penguin Pools / Pools Direct Transport Estimate
We are the prefered/autherised supplier of Penguin Pools & Pools Direct customers for Pool Transport.
First Name
Last Name
Pool Delivery Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
KM's from 108 Aviation Ave, Mount Maunganui (Penguin Pools Factory)
Use google maps to find the distance for this field.
Email Address
Pool Size
Please Select
Quartz 3.6m x 2.2m
Quartz 5.4m x 2.2m
Amber 5.4m x 3.4m
Onyx 6m x 2.4m
Topaz 6.5m x 2.8m
Sardius 7m x 3.4m
Ruby 8m x 4m
Diamond 9m x 4.4m
Opal 10m x 4.4m
Sapphire 12m x 4.4m
All pool sizes are internal swimming dimensions. Pools are 500mm wider than the swimming width to allow for the flange.
Delivery Price (Approximate)
price is +gst
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