Student User Agreement / Parent Persmission
Click on this link to review the policy:
By signing below, I agree and acknowledge that I have read the terms and conditions of the Student Acceptable Use Policy and I understand that it is a violation of the Policy to use the System, on or off of school property, to, among other things:
- Bully, harass, threaten, intimidate or engage in discriminatory or abusive conduct or language, including through the use of social media;
- Access websites or content that are inappropriate for the school environment, including withough limitation websites or content that are pronographic or obscene;
- Vandalize or tamper with school equipment and/or System settings;
- Engage in criminal or illegal conduct; and/or
- Violate the Student Code of Contact
I also understand that:
- Technoligcal resrouces are provided for instructional and educational purposes only. Incidental, personal use shall be allwed only so long as such use is appropriate for a school setting, non-disruptive to the school's operations and mission, and not in excess or to the exclusion of the student's studies or school responsibilities; and
- My access and use of the System wehter on or off school property, including without limitation all devices used by me to access the System, wheather personallly or school-owned, are subject to monitoring and search and that I have no expectation of privacy in my use or acessing of the System.
I agree to abide by the terms and conditions state in the Student Acceptable Use Policy. I understand taht I am responsible for the consequences may include revocation of privilies to access the Internent and/or other technological resources, suspension, expulsion, and/or legal action.