Chamber Member Survey 2023
As we move forward, we want to hear from our members about what is working, what's not and how we can help you in your business. Please fill out the survey below. We look forward to reviewing your responses! Thank you!
Business Name
What industry is your business in?
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How many employees do you have?
0 - 10
10 - 25
25 - 100
100 - 500
What does the Mulvane Chamber do well and/or that you think we should do more of?
What's not working/what do we need to quit doing or change?
What is one thing you would like to see the Chamber focus on in the coming year that you think would help your business the most?
Focus on being a resource I can come to for business advice, help with where to find & how to best obtain financing for my business, information on other business resources in the area and any other questions I have
Focus on hosting more social and networking events where I can meet and interact with other business owners and professionals
Focus on promoting the Mulvane area and trying to attract new businesses and residents to move here
Focus on making community events better, with higher attendance for our businesses
To what extent are each of the following a challenge/concern for your business?
Biggest Challenge/Concern
Major Challenge/Concern
Minor Challenge/Concern
Not a challenge/concern
Access to Capital/Loan Options to Fund/Grow my Business
Hiring the employees we need to run my business
Access to affordable Business Training (i.e. QuickBooks Accounting, Google/Search Engine Optimization, Business plan writing, preparing financial statements/projections, etc.)
Government Regulations or Restrictions that make it difficult to do business
Something Else (add in comments below)
Enter comments here:
What is your preferred day & time to attend Chamber functions? (networking events, trainings, meetings, etc.)
Early Morning (Before work/9 am)
Lunchtime (noon)
After work (5 pm)
Late Evening (7 pm)
Are you receiving our weekly e-newsletter?
Yes, I am subscribed.
No, I'm not a subscriber.
What type of content is most useful to you? (Check all that apply)
News & Updates
Chamber Activities
Real Estate
Community Events
Volunteer Opportunities
How do you feel about the weekly e-newsletter?
I like the current weekly newsletter
I would rather get updated Chamber News by watching a brief video update on social media, YouTube, and/or the Chamber website (i.e. video newsletter)
I would like to see the Chamber reduce down to a monthly newsletter rather than weekly, with occasional additional emails ONLY for info that is time sensitive or important announcements, and will get the rest of my news from the Chamber's social media pages or website
How often to you visit the Mulvane Chamber website?
Please Select
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year
What is the main reason you visit our website?
Please Select
Renew Chamber Membership
Find other Chamber members
Access Member Resources
Event Info
How easy is it to navigate our website?
Please Select
Very Easy
Somewhat Easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Overall, how satisfied are you with our website?
Needs lots of improvements
Very satisfied
1 is Needs lots of improvements, 5 is Very satisfied
What could we do to make our website better or add, to make it more useful for you and your business? (We are working on a new directory to be shared soon!)
Below are the reasons why businesses join the Chamber. What reasons motivated you to join the Chamber? Or would motivate you to join/renew. (Please try to rank them in order of importance with no more than 1 or 2 per level.)
1 - Most Important (Please only choose one reason at this level)
2 - Important
3 - Influenced
4 - Minimal
5 - Not a factor
Customer Perception
Opportunities to Network with other business owners and professionals
Increased Business visibility and promotion
Desire to giveback and support our local business community
To support business advocacy/be part of the collective voice of business that together has a stronger ability to influence public policy and government affairs that impact business
Access to local business resources, advisors, and training
Something else (add your comments below)
Comments here:
What training programs or workshops would be valuable to your business/organization? (Pick 3)
Online marketing and social media
Merchant Services (Square, PayPal, etc.)
Business Structure (i.e. dba vs LLC vs S-corp)
Google/Search Engine Optimization
Website Development
Leadership and Management
Customer Service
Hospitality & Tourism
Are you seeking more opportunities to connect with other leaders through networking/education events? (Check all that apply)
CEO roundtables
Department specific focused learning
Peer-to-peer discussions
Leadership training
Community forums
Do you have a preference on how training/workshops/learning content is delivered?
Mixture of both
Is there anything that can be improved at our events or enhanced to make your experience better?
What would you like to get our of your Chamber Membership for it to have the value needed to join/renew?
How likely would you be to recommend joining the Mulvane Chamber of Commerce to other business owners/managers?
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
1 is Very Unlikely, 5 is Very Likely
Finally, as a member-driven organization, the Mulvane Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to ensuring local business success while fostering community as well. What are the biggest challenges you face as a business and what can the Chamber do to help you succeed?
Submit Survey
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