Thank you for your desire and interest in religious education for your child(ren)! The information below answers some common questions parents may have, and we are excited to assist you.
Saint Mary and Saint Michael parishes offer Faith Formation to students in Grades 1 through 8, with HiS Youth Nights offered to all High School students. Registered members of another parish are welcome to enroll a child in our Faith Formation Program. We will share this information with your home parish.
The goal of Faith Formation at our parishes is to assist parents in embracing their role as the primary educators in forming their children’s Catholic faith. Faith formation does not just happen in the classroom, it also takes place at home, and through participation in the life of the parish. Families support and enhance their child(rens) classroom instruction and faith formation through their weekly attendance at Sunday Mass, by the reception of the sacraments of Confession and Communion, and through prayer at home.
Saint Michael (GB) Pre K-8th Grade Faith Formation classes begin on
Wednesday October 2, 2024 6:30-7:45PM
Saint Mary (MV) Pre K-8th Grade Faith Formation classes begin on
Sunday, October 6, 2024, 10:00 -11:15AM
Freshman-Senior "His Youth Nights" is for both parishes and begins on
Sunday, September 29, 2024 6:30-8:00PM
and meets every other Sunday evening (usually) @ MV
Sacramental Prep for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for our 2nd graders will take place both in class and in the home along with two in-person retreats. To help you and your child prepare for and celebrate First Reconciliation and First Communion, we have the Dragon Slayer Retreat scheduled for February 23, 2025, at Bishop Hoffman Hall at 999 Baker Street, Fremont, Ohio 43420. Registration begins at 12:30 pm with the retreat beginning at 1:00 pm and ending at 3:30 pm. Please arrive no later than 12:45 pm for registration and photos.
The First Holy Communion Retreat will be on April 26, 2025, from 10:00am to 12:30pm. First Holy Communion will be Sunday, April 27, 2024.
Our 7th and 8th graders preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will have in-person sessions, home lessons, and two in-person retreats, with dates to be announced. Confirmation for all 8th graders will be on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at Our Lady Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral, Toledo.
All children are welcome, whether you can afford the registration fee or not. Place completed registration forms in a sealed envelope marked Faith Formation and drop the envelope in the collection basket during Mass. You also can drop it off at either the church office during office hours or mail it to the church you attend.
2024-2025 Faith Formation Cost per family:
One child-$30
Two Children-$50
Three Children-$70
Four or more Children-$90
Sacramental Prep fee for 2nd, 7th, and 8th-grade students-$30
Check should be made out to the parish
where you will be attending classes.
Online payments can be made at
To pay online: Click your Parish's Donate Button
Click One Time
Under Type of Donation: Click Misc. Donation
Add Amount: (see fees above)
Enter Debit/Credit Card Information
In the Comment Box: Enter Family Faith Formation Fee, for... list the children you are paying for and if a Sacrament fee is included.
Click Submit and you are done!
According to the Diocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection, our parishes use the VIRTUS Safe Environment Program. Together we coordinate the training for all the Catechists/Faith Formation and other volunteers who may come in contact with your child or children, on recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. A background check is also conducted, as required clearance of all volunteers working with our children.
We kindly ask parents to come inside the building when picking their child(ren) up after class. We are grateful for your sincere support in the important development of your child(ren)’s faith, we look forward to seeing you soon!
Patti Wasserman
Director of Faith Formation
Saint Mary-Millersville
865 State Route 635
Helena, Ohio 43435
Saint Michael-Gibsonburg
312 East Yeasting Street
Gibsonburg, Ohio 43431
Phone: 419-637-2255 Ext #3