Urban Coyote Holdings Commercial Bridge Loan Submission
Section 1
Basic borrower info and Loan Request the "story". We may not need all of the info below, but this is a our "initial" summary and look into the loan. Our group funds deals in Metro areas and being based in Texas can do smaller loans (under 250,000) in Texas only. We are private lenders and also arrange funding with small institutional groups (LIfe insurance companies and other real estate related opportunity funds) Questions - 214 824 0417. **This is designed to be quick short intro to the loan request . Urban Coyote Funding since 2004
Borrower Name
First Name
Last Name
Email (Borrower)
Broker Email
Reason "story" for the loan: (value add, new construction, land development, other)
Section 2 (Property details)
Property and loan details
Confirm Transaction type (purchase, refinance, cashout, construction,other
What is borrower /owner cost basis in property (if already owned) , ie original purchase price, improvements, other - total
Loan Amount Requested
Purchase price if applicable
As is value $
After rehabbed (completed value)$
Type of property
Number of Units (If applicable)
Payoff amount (if refinance)
property sq feet
Land Size (sq feet ) or acres if more than 1 acre
Type of property (property use...
If a "value add" or rehab type deal, summarize the repairs and costs.
Discuss hard deadlines and closing dates - critical dates?
Discuss Exit Strategy from 12- 24 month bridge loan :
Does borrower (s) have other collateral (note we have 2nd lien program), please consider uploading reo schedule , we can monetize partnership positions in income producing properties. (apts, retail, office/warehouse..., or NNN A Credit rated properties.
File Upload (upload and relevant documents, ie...survey, old appraisal, etc...)
Browse Files
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Section 3
Borrower Financial Health
Borrower (net worth)
Credit score if known
Cash Liquidity (for all borrowers signing on loan)
Other notes
Does borrower have any judgments or IRS liens current or pending?
Related experience (consider uploading resume or bio)
Should be Empty: