By signing the below you declare that you have provided the correct, up to date, and adequate insurance to host a market stall with your nominated insurance company. You also aknowledge that you are the primary insurance holder for your stall and products at this event.
Each stallholder is responsible for their own cash or electronic transactions on the day. Arts North West will not assist with this process in any way, nor will they help with any transactions or handle monies.
Arts North West requires all stallholders to provide data to the nominated Market Coordinator regarding the gross amount of takings from the 'Gather and Trade' events. This information is provided to the funding body as a lump sum and deidentified data. Any confidential information will be destroyed once the reporting is completed.
All stallholders, contractors, partners and/or staff will act in a respectful, professional, and courteous manner. Any party behaving in a manner contrary to these terms, will not participate in any further 'Gather and Trade' events hosted by Arts North West and may be asked to eject themselves from the event.