Vendor Rules & Regulations Release Form
In order to provide the best possible environment for our celebration, please follow these instructions. All spaces will be assigned at random. The Exeter Chamber of Commerce and The City of Exeter reserve the right to refuse any application.
A signed copy of these rules and regulations must be submitted to The Exeter Chamber of Commerce office with the application before September 1st, 2023 by 2:00 p.m. Space assignments and location maps will be e-mailed by October 6, 2023.
1. Compliance Deposit: $50 paid separate from Vendor fee. It will be returned, one week after the day of the event, if the vendor is in compliance with all of the signed rules and regulations. Failure to comply will result in a forfeiture of this deposit.
2. Booth must not exceed the 10'x10' space.
**Over-size vendors or trailers (including hitch) that exceed 10’x10’ space will be required to pay for additional space.
3. Remove ALL trash. This means yours and the customers from your area before you leave.
4. No electricity is available and any electricity needed must be provided by a generator.
5. Consideration and courtesy to other vendors, customers, Exeter Chamber of Commerce and City of Exeter staff is expected at all times.
Smoking is prohibited by City ordinance. Any breach of decorum may result in removal. Vendors are not permitted to consume alcohol during festival hours, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
ALL vendors must be set up and all vehicles must be moved out of the closed streets by 9:00 a.m. on event day.
6. Liability insurance is recommended and may be required.
Please name the Exeter Chamber of Commerce and the City of Exeter as additionally insured on the certificate.
7. Food / beverage vendors must also complete & return county health permit application & fees. Health fee may be included with space fees, please make checks payable to the Exeter Chamber of Commerce.
8. City of Exeter noise ordinances will apply including vendors parking RVs and generator noise.
9. To maintain the integrity and safety of the event, NO vendor is allowed to close or tear down any portion of their booth prior to the event closing at 3:00 pm. NO vehicles allowed on closed streets after 9:15 am or before 3:00 pm on the day of the event STRICTLY ENFORCED for safety.
Event will continue regardless of weather and fees will not be refunded after September 15th, 2023.