GRAC Mural Program - Wall Submission
Due to a recent uptick in mural art across Mt. Sterling and Montgomery County, Kentucky, the Gateway Regional Arts Center has gotten numerous requests for connecting to artists or for the commissioning of murals. This form will help facilitate the connection between building owners and the region's best muralists. We look forward to collaborating to further beautify our community! Learn more about our murals, the Mt. Sterling Art Trail, and our other community arts programs at
Are you the owner of the building you are proposing for mural painting? If not, do you have written permission to submit this request on their behalf?
Owner Name
First Name
Last Name
Business Name(s) if applicable
Type N/A if not applicable
Building Address, City, Zip
Owner E-mail
Owner Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
What is the greatest dollar amount you/your business are willing to invest into this mural project?
Describe the location(s) where murals would be appropriate at this location.
Are the wall(s) in question inside, outside, or both?
Both (multiple submitted walls)
Are there any obstructions (clinging vine, drain pipes, windows) on the wall(s) in question?
Type N/A if not applicable.
Can the wall be accessed in close proximity by a standard scissor lift?
Not sure
Wall Dimensions (width x height)
What is the exterior of the wall(s) in question? (brick, wood, cinderblock, stucco, etc.)
Upload photos of the wall(s) in question.
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Do you have an idea for the subject matter painted on the wall?
Would you be willing to allow an artist to build upon/change from the above idea(s) or propose their own idea?
Why is this a great wall for a mural?
Anything else you would like us to know?
I understand this is not a guarantee of funding or sub-granting for a mural. I also agree that I am the legal owner of the building, or have been permitted in writing to submit this on the owner's behalf. I understand that the owner of the building will be the direct contact moving forward.
I understand & agree.
Submit Form
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