CISS Graduate, Postdoctoral & Research Staff Affiliate Application
First Name
Last Name
Please select a College or School that you are affiliated with.
Arvind & Chandan Nandlal Kilachand Honors College (KHC)
College of Art & Sciences (CAS)
College of Communication (COM)
College of Engineering (ENG)
College of Fine Arts (CFA)
College of General Studies (CGS)
Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SAR)
Computing & Data Sciences (CDS)
Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies (Pardee)
School of Medical School (MED)
Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (SDM)
Metropolitan College & Extended Education (MET)
Questrom School of Business (Questrom)
School of Hospitality (SHA)
School of Law (LAW)
School of Public Health (SPH)
School of Social Work (SSW)
School of Theology (STH)
Wheelock College of Education & Human Development (Wheelock)
Programs and Services - Please indicate the Center programs and services that you would find most beneficial.
Research affinity groups
Summer Mini-Grant program
Undergraduate research internship program
Administrative support with grant applications
Research practice workshops (e.g. grantsmanship, publishing)
Publicizing your research or events
Why would you like to be a Center Affiliate?
CISS will facilitate the formation of affinity groups, linking together faculty with shared research interests, methodological approaches, or professional development needs (e.g., writing groups). What kinds of affinity group foci would you seek out?
Please upload your CV.
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Social Media and Publication Promotion - If you have an academic social media account or track publications online (via ResearchGate or Google Scholar), please copy and paste links to your accounts below.
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