Use of images in Craniofacial Australia publications and promotional materials
A photographic image (including a video recording) which is sufficiently clear to enable you to be identified as an individual is personal information. Craniofacial Australia has obligations under its privacy policy to ensure that personal information is used and disclosed only in ways which are consistent with privacy principles. In general, personal information is not disclosed or published unless Craniofacial Australia has obtained the consent of the individual concerned.
Craniofacial Australia regularly reproduces photographic or video images of individuals in its publications, promotional and marketing material and on its website. These images are used to promote Craniofacial Australia or describe its activities. The images may be used for publicity and advertising purposes in any media including social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and any websites associated with Craniofacial Australia) and for commercial or non-commercial purposes of Craniofacial Australia.
Craniofacial Australia wishes to use and reproduce one or more photographs or video images of you and/or your child for these purposes and is seeking your consent to do so.
Consent Agreement
By ticking the box below, I agree to Craniofacial Australia using, reproducing and disclosing photographic or video images and text that I upload according to their Terms above.
I agree that I will make no claim against Craniofacial Australia for any payment or fee for appearing in promotional material or advertisements and release Craniofacial Australia from any other claims arising out of Craniofacial Australia’s use of the text or images I upload.