Child's Name
Child's Date of Birth
Child's upcoming school year
Please Select
K1 - Peter Maggiore
K1 - Asia Mokrushina
K1 - Baljit Toor
K2 - Jonathan Yu
Parent's Name
Parent's Email
What are your hopes for this academic year for your child?
What are you and your child excited about?
What are you worried or concerned about for your child?
What suggestions do you have to help your child have a successful year?
If there was one thing you or your child wish the teacher knew, what would it be?
How would you like your teacher to communicate with you?
How would you like to be involved in your child's education this year?
What is your definition of success for your child?
What are your longer-term education plans for your child beyond this year? And how can we help support these plans?
Should be Empty: