These questions will help me better understand you, the novel, and your goals. Please fill out this form so we can start the conversation about the story.
I will respond to your inquiry within three business days.
An initial consultation will only be booked after I've received this completed form.
I'll review your answers, assess the manuscript, and complete a FREE sample edit of approximately 1,000 words. I'm happy to complete longer sample edits, upon request, for an additional fee per 500 words.
When I send you the sample edit, I'll let you know whether the manuscript may* require more than the services you're interested in.
For the question regarding video or audio-only calls, please select your preference for potential future meetings; my services** include a complimentary Zoom meeting to talk about you, the story, and to discuss how I can help you best.
*Sample edits don't do justice for services like developmental edits, so we'll talk about the types of issues I find in your manuscript and how best to address them.
**Developmental editing includes an additional (free) Zoom meeting to go over the editorial letter together.
If you don't receive a confirmation email after you fill out this form, please email me at