Parish Marketing/Communications Request Form
Please submit your marketing and communication request for your ministry by filling out the information below. Please provide as much detail as possible and allow 2 weeks for turnaround time from the date that your request is submitted before materials will be ready. All bulletin requests must be in by Tuesday at noon for the upcoming weekend's bulletin.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Organization/Parish Ministry Name
Please provide the NAME of your event.
Name of event
Please provide the DATE of your event.
Please provide the proposed Start Time, End Time and Total Duration of your event.
Event details
Please provide a brief DESCRIPTION of the event (audience, location, offerings, purpose).
Event description
Please provide the necessary information about your message in a concise statement below:
Overview of the message you wish to distribute to parishioners with assistance from the St. Barnabas Marketing Committee.
Where would you like to see this information shared? (Select the applicable St. Barnabas communications outlets below.) Note: The St. Barnabas Marketing Committee will make the final decision on what outlets your information will be shared.
St. Barnabas Friday Email Blast
St. Barnabas Website
St. Barnabas Facebook Page
St. Barnabas Instagram
Priority of this request
Please Select
Very Low (1)
Low (2)
Moderate (3)
High (4)
Very High (5)
How urgent is your request?
Provide the date that the information/materials should be distributed to the Parish:
Date to distribute information
Please attach any necessary files that can be used for promoting your event or announcement (logos, images, flyers, etc.)
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Please provide any other necessary details (if needed):
Only complete if you have additional information to provide that wasn't shared in the previous questions.
Should be Empty: