I hereby grant permission for my child, First Name Last Name , to participate in the University of Kansas Upward Bound Math Science program-LT, which may include field trips, overnight trips, tutorial sessions, living in the residential halls, and physical activities. I also understand and acknowledge that transportation for field trips for academic enrichment sessions, conferences, overnight trips, and other activities will be provided by bus, van, train, airplane, or private car. Activities may include swimming, canoeing, horseback riding, and other activities. In consideration of the activities provided to my child, I hereby release the University of Kansas Upward Bound Math Science-LT program and their employees from any claims of injury or damages arising out of my child’s participation. I accept responsibility for my child’s conduct while participating in the Upward Bound Math Science-LT Program, and I hereby release the Upward Bound Math Science-LT Program from injuries or damages resulting from my child not following and adhering to the rules and policies of the program.