I give my consent for the following procedure:
dermaplaning to be performed by, Tia Papatheodore - Licensed Esthetician.
Dermaplaning is a physical/mechanical form of exfoliation using a specialized dermaplaning blade for the removal of built up dead skin cells and vellous hair. Following treatment skin will be smoother, softer and better able to absorb the active ingredients in treatment and home care products.
I understand this treatment involves the use of the sterile, surgical blade to remove dead skin cells and vellous hair. As with the use of any sharp instrument, there is the possibility of nicks
I understand there are contraindications to this treatment, including but not limited to, diabetes (not controlled by diet or medication), cancer, active acne, bleeding disorders, the inability for blood to coagulate or the development of keloids following injury. Certain medications including blood thinners, higher dosages of Aspirin, and Accutane are contraindicated for this treatment due to the possibility of delayed clotting from a nick or cut. I certify that I am not taking any of the above medications or experiencing any of the above
While every precaution will be taken to avoid nicks, cuts and scratches, I understand the risks and consent to treatment today.