I understand that the procedures and policies set forth in the 2023 - 2024 Student Handbook and Course Catalog are subject to revision from time to time. The most up‐to‐date available versions of the policies and procedures are contained in the electronic version of those documents which may be accessed online at our website www.mti-jatt.org. These policies were discussed, and I was given an opportunity to ask questions for any clarification. It is my responsibility to know and comply with rules and I understand any behavior not specifically described in policies but deemed inappropriate by the administration and Board of Trustees, is subject to disciplinary action. Specific Topics Discussed were OJT Hours, Harassment, Grievance and Complaint Procedures, FERPA, Graduation Requirements/Criteria to Advance, Attendance Policy, Disciplinary Actions, and many others.
I understand the Scholarship Loan and the Promissory Note for the Scholarship Loan Agreement. These two items were discussed, and I was given an opportunity to ask questions for any clarification. I understand that one year of training is valued at $6,000.00 (annual loan amount). This cost covers the training, necessary equipment, maintenance, and cost of operating the training facility, instructors’ salaries, and related materials. My term of training will be set for the period from August 1st, 2023 to August 1st, 2024. My training is free as I accept employment in the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry from an employer that has collective bargaining agreement. I will be in immediate breach if I accept employment from a non-signatory contractor of Local 72. I will be required to repay the scholarship in that event. I also understand that for year of training received, I must work a year as Journeyman or high classification with the Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry who makes contributions to repay or work off my scholarship loan awarded for my training.
I understand that the safety protocols adopted by MTI-JATT (or as subsequently revised) are based upon the available guidance from State and local authorities, and from the CDC. Following these guidelines does not guaranty my protection from potential COVID-19 exposure, and exposure can occur away from the Training Center. I understand that despite MTI-JATT’s health and safety protocols I cannot be assured I will not be exposed to the COVID-19 virus. I assume the risk of potential COVID-19 exposure and waive any claims I may have against the Training Center, its employees and administration for any illness or injury I sustain related to COVID-19.