Life Changing Lending Term Questions
Tam Nguyen Direct Number 346-500-2085 Austin, TX 78759
Borrower's Full Legal Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Borrower's Email
What type of loan are you looking for?
Fix and Flip
DSCR Refinance
DSCR Purchase
New Construction
Land Only Purchase - New Construction
Land Only Purchase - Holding Long Term
What was the purchase price of the land?
Ex. $100,000
What is the Subject Property Address?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
How is the down payment currently sourced in?
Checking Account
Cash Out on Another Property
Gift Funds
Do you currently rent or own your primary home?
Own Out Right
What is your estimated FICO score?
Ex. Around 721
What is your total liquidity?
401K, IRA, Stock Options, or Cash Reserves
How many similar projects have you completed in the last 36 months?
Ex. 2 Constructions and 1 Fix and Flip
What is your intention with the land?
Immediate New Construction
Holding Then New Construction
What is the Subject Property Address?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What was the purchase price of the land?
Ex. $100,000
How is the down payment currently sourced in?
Checking Account
Cash Out on Another Property
Gift Funds
Do you currently rent or own their primary home?
Own Out Right
What is your estimated FICO score?
Ex. Around 721
How many similar projects have you completed in the last 36 months?
Ex. 2 Constructions and 1 Fix and Flip
Will it be for a primary home or an investment property?
Primary Home
Investment Property
What is the expected total budget of the new construction cost?
Ex. $50,000
What is the estimated "After Repair Value" of the new construction?
Ex. $300,000
What is your total liquidity?
401K, IRA, Stock Options, or Cash Reserves
Do you currently own the land?
What is the Subject Property Address?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What was the purchase price of the property?
Ex. $100,000
What is the estimated value of the subject property?
Ex. $100,000
What is the expected total budget of the new construction cost?
Ex. $50,000
What is the estimated "After Repair Value" of the new construction?
Ex. $300,000
What is your estimated FICO score?
Ex. Around 721
What is your total liquidity?
401K, IRA, Stock Options, or Cash Reserves
How many similar projects have you completed in the last 36 months?
Ex. 2 Constructions and 1 Fix and Flip
Is the property currently under contract? If so, is there earnest money involved?
Ex. Yes under contract and $1500 earnest
What was the purchase price of the subject property?
Ex. $850,000
What is the current "As Is" value of the property?
Ex. $1,000,000
What are is your estimated FICO score?
Ex. around 721
Do you have an estimated closing date?
What is the scope of work?
Ex. Rehab budget estimated at $50,000
What is the estimated after repair value?
Ex. $325,000
How many similar projects have you completed in the last 36 months?
Ex. Yes 2 fix and flips and 1 purchase
What is the property type?
2 - 4 Units
Multi Unit
What is the Subject Property Address?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What is your total liquidity?
401K, IRA, Stock Options, or Cash Reserves
How is the down payment currently sourced in?
Checking Account
Cash Out on Another Property
Gift Funds
Are you married, unmarried, or separated?
Will this property be a fix and flip or fix and hold?
Is the property currently under contract? If so, is there earnest money involved?
Ex. Yes under contract and $1500 earnest
Is this property in need of rehab or is it in livable condition?
If yes, please fill out the Fix and Flip Term Questions
Is there an estimated closing date?
What is the property type?
2 - 4 Units
Multi Unit
What is the Subject Property Address?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What are is your estimated FICO score?
Ex. Around 721
How do you want it to be titled? In an entity or personal name?
Ex. Entity - Main Street LLC
Are there any current appraisals on the property?
What is the subject property's monthly income?
Ex. $7000 every month
Is this a long term or short term rental?
Long Term (Traditional)
Short Term (AirBnb)
What is the current "As Is" value?
Ex. $1,000,000
What is the annual insurance?
Ex. $1200
What are the annual property taxes?
Ex. $3500
Are there any HOA dues?
Ex. Yes $300
What is your total liquidity?
Ex. 401K, IRA, Stock Options, or Cash Reserves
How many similar projects have you completed in the last 36 months?
Ex. 3 purchase 1 fix and flip
How is the down payment currently sourced in?
Checking Account
Cash Out on Another Property
Gift Funds
Are there current tenants?
Ex. Yes one family
Is the borrower married, unmarried, or separated?
Ex. Married
Is this a Cash Out or Rate and Term Refinance?
Cash Out
Rate and Term
What was the date of acquisition?
Was there a rehab completed on the property? If so, how much did it cost?
Ex. Yes $35,000
What is the current "As Is" value?
Ex. $1,000,000
What is the subject property address?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What are is your estimated FICO score?
Ex. Around 721
What is the property type?
2 - 4 Units
Multi Unit
Is the property currently titled using an entity or in personal name?
Ex. Entity - Main Street LLC
How do you want it to be titled? In an entity or personal name?
Ex. Entity - Main Street LLC
What is your total liquidity?
401K, IRA, Stock Options, or Cash Reserves
Is there a lien on the subject property? If so, what it the lien amount?
Ex. Yes $232,000
Is the lien a hard money loan we are paying off?
What is the subject property's monthly income?
Ex. LTR $3200
Is this a long term or short term rental?
Long Term (Traditional)
Short Term (AirBnb)
What are the annual property taxes?
Ex. $3500
What is the annual insurance?
Ex. $1200
Are there any HOA dues?
Ex. Yes $300
Has the borrower completed any similar projects in the last 36 months?
Ex. Yes 2 purchase 1 fix and flip
Is the borrower married, unmarried, or separated?
Ex. Married
US Citizen
Do you have any mortgage lates on ANY properties that you own in last 12 months?
Do you have any possible tax liens, bankruptcy, or foreclosure in last 24 months?
Who referred you to Life Changing Lending?
Ex. Klint
Do you have a Life Changing Lending Officer?
Please Select
Klint McKinney
Ryan Jones
Chad Christian
Addison Rosen
Daniel Hardy
Troy Faulk
Richard Castle
Tam Nguyen
Notes of any extras to the offer:
Please do not send any documents to us but instead login to our secure Borrower Portal to access the full list of requests. Then respond to those requests on the secure portal.
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