Let us understand your business...Either type in a number or use + and -
My annual sales are R {annualsales}
My average commision rate is {whatIs94}%
{what}% of my deals will likely be financed through Ooba
Next, let us explore the benefit referring other agents to us...
Referring agents to the ecosystem, allows you to earn 5% of their commissions earned
I'll refer 1 new agent every {frequency} months
Their annual sales R {referalannualsales}, per agent
Their average commision rate is {andTheir102}%, per agent
Click next to see the results!
Your annual commission is R {annualCommission}
R {duerolix} is due to Rolix
With your net commission being R {netcommissionearned}
Your profit share earned for the {numagents} agents you referred during the year is R {refprofitshare}
The additional fee share earned for your deals financed through Ooba is R {oobafee}
Your total earnings for your first year* is R {netearnings}
* Includes the deduction of your once-off subcription fee of R10,000
Assuming you continue to sign up another {numagents} agents over year 2, signing up 1 agent every {frequency} months, your total year 2 earnings will be R {year2}
Great, please provide us with your contact details so that we can get in touch