OU-Tulsa Student Organization Registration
Student Organization Name
Which college or academic program is your organization affiliated with, if any?
OU-Tulsa Faculty or Staff Advisor
First Name
Last Name
OU-Tulsa Advisor Email
OU-Tulsa Advisor Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
President/Chair Information
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
OU Email Address
Please upload your current Constitution & By-Laws here.
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Your advisor* and at least one student member are required to attend one of the Student Organization Training sessions hosted by Student Affairs. Please list the name of your student member that attended one of the trainings. *If you advisor has attended a training in the past, they are not required.
Please type a list of all students who will be members of this organization (this portion replaces the member signature sheet
Should be Empty: