6350 Frederick Rd Ste B; Baltimore, MD 21228
410-744-5959 Phone ~ 410-744-4810 Fax
Please READ ALL of the information below.
Vaccines are provided on a walk-in basis only on Monday through Friday from 9:30 am to 5 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 1 pm.
**Please note: All FLU vaccines are out of stock for the 2023-2024 season.**
Vaccine administration is subject to availability, and will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis while supplies last.
If possible, please print a copy of this form after completing but before submitting.
1) Copy of form, if possible
2) Your Prescription Insurance Card or Medicare (Red, White, Blue) if 65yo+
1) Turn to right as you enter the pharmacy and proceed to the register for check in. If you decide to not complete the online consent form, please complete the paper consent form on the table to your right when you enter BEFORE entering the line!
2) Wait your turn to reach the cashier
3) Give the cashier your information
4) Once your information is entered into the computer, you will be called by a pharmacist to receive your vaccine. Please be patient as we have a lot of people receiving prescriptions, vaccines, and other pharmacy services. You are welcome to browse the store or wait in the available chairs.
5) You may ask the pharmacist to check the immunization registry to see if there are any other vaccines that are recommended for you. You can also visit to view your immunization history.
Thank you for trusting us with your health!