We can offer the FedEx Air Express DG import service/ Haulage DG Import service. However, in order for things to go smoothly, the shipper needs to be aware of the process.
This is how it works, in order for Norsk to book, we need these Shipper details:
- DG Packed and copy of DG note,
- Reference Number
- Company Name
- Contact name
- Street
- Zip Code & City
- Contact Phone Number
- Contact Email Address
- Weight & Dimensions
- Number of Pieces
- Product Description
- Collecting on behalf of,
After a booking has been placed, we will create and send you the labels so that these can be sent to the shipper to place on the box(s).
When using FedEx the shipper is responsible for arranging a collection locally with FedEx. If any issues arise Norsk can book a collection via the system but if consignee is not in or the collections fails then extra charges can apply.