I understand that:
1. I may refuse to sign this authorization and that it is strictly voluntary.
2. I may revoke this authorization at any time in writing but if I do, it will not have any effect on any actions taken prior to receiving the revocation
3. A copy of this Photo Release is available to me and/or my child upon request
I understand that, in the instance of external sources (such as media outlets, newspapers, advocacy groups), Ocean Partnership for Children, Inc. is acting only as the intermediary, making it possible for the aforementioned source(s) to contact me. As such, I relieve and hereby agree to hold Ocean Partnership for Children, Inc. free and harmless from any and all liability arising out of the use and/or release of information; interview; photograph/ videotape/film; and subsequent publication or broadcast. I understand that the interview(s) or photo session(s) are being carried out upon my consent and authorization and so assume full responsibility.