The Clinton County Extension 4-H Education Foundation is happy to offer scholarship opportunities to 4-H members of Clinton County, IL. This award is to encourage and support the county’s youth who are interested in higher education. The Foundation will be offering up to $8,000 annually awarded at the discretion of the Foundation Board of Directors. The scholarship will be payable to the student recipient and may be presented at the high school Award Program.
Specific eligibility for the award requires that the recipient fulfill the following criteria and materials listed below:
Applicant Criteria:
•The applicant must have 4-H enrollment of six (6) years or more including a minimum of four (4) years in the Clinton County 4-H program. Cloverbud years do not count.
•The applicant must exhibit at least one (1) project per year at a County level show opportunity.
•The applicant must be a high school senior, graduate or an undergraduate student in a Community College, University or Trade School in any state.
Scholarship information:
•Applications are available at the U of I Extension Clinton County office, University of Illinois Extension website and Clinton County high schools.
•Applicants must submit the following materials by close of business on March 15.
•The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of merit upon review of the submitted application materials.
•Can only be received twice by any one applicant.
Application materials required:
1. Scholarship application
•Submit an essay of 250-500 words describing your 4-H experience. Include life skills gained, achievements, awards received, officer/leadership positions, and number of years positions were held throughout your 4-H career.
•2nd year applicants submit an essay of 250-500 words describing how you would relate your 4-H experience to your college education by describing what you learned from these experiences and how you are applying this to your current career path.
•An official transcript MUST be submitted to the Illinois Extension Office in Breese by the scholarship deadline to be considered.
•The applicant must show acceptance into a post-high school educational venue.
2. Two letters of recommendation:
•One recommendation letter shall be from the applicant’s 4-H leader.
•The second recommendation letter shall be from a high school or higher education faculty member considered by the applicant to have the most influence on their education and career path.
•Each recommendation letter shall include the complete contact information of the writer.
•Each recommendation letter can be submitted online in this application or in a sealed envelope with the applicant’s name printed on the front of the envelope and the writer’s signature across the back seal of the envelope. Letters must be delivered to the Illinois Extension Office in Breese by the scholarship deadline to be considered.
All written materials should be submitted to the Illinois Extension Office, 1163 N. 4th St., Breese, IL 62230 attn: Clinton County Extension Foundation. Materials submitted after the scholarship deadline will not be accepted.
Scholarship interviews will be held in the evening during the last week of March. Applicants should plan on participating in an interview to be considered for a scholarship.