PCC Bargaining Team Contact Form
Your Bargaining Team wants to hear from YOU!
Your Name:
First Name
Last Name
Your Store:
Please Select
PCC Ballard
PCC Bellevue
PCC Bothell
PCC Burien
PCC Central District
PCC Columbia City
PCC Downtown
PCC Edmonds
PCC Fremont
PCC Greenllake Village
PCC Greenlake
PCC Issaquah
PCC Kirkland
PCC Redmond
PCC Viewridge
PCC West Seattle
Personal (Non-work) Email
Phone Number (Cell preferred)
Please enter a valid phone number.
What's your question, comment, or feedback for our union bargaining team? We want to hear from as many PCC workers as possible during these negotiations. (Submissions will be shared with the full bargaining team.)
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