Oak Community Services provides relationship mediation for people seeking to resolve conflict, issues and concerns without the need for legal interventions.
If you require family mediation for Divorce and Seperation please revisit our website for futher information
Mediation is provided on the proviso that parties understand that:
- It is a voluntary process and either person may withdraw from the process at any point.
- The mediator is impartial and unbiased and as such will not tell the participants what to do, steer the outcome of the mediation or take sides.
- The participants retain ownership of the outcome of the mediation. The role of the mediator is to facilitate a constructive discussion between them in order to support them to reach their own resolutions regarding some, or all, of the issues in dispute.
- Where an agreement is reached the mediator may write this in a mediation agreement, if required. The contents of the mediation agreement are decided by the participants.
- Discussions and negotiations in mediation are confidential and must not to be referred to in any external discussions or in any legal or other formal proceedings, except to state that mediation has previously taken place.
- The mediator cannot be required to give evidence or produce any notes or recordings made in the course of the mediation.
- If the participants wish to share any mediation agreement with a 3rd party this must be agreed by them all.
- The mediation will take place in a neutral venue which the mediator will identify.
- The mediation will be carried out by either one or two mediators, as decided by Oak Community Services.
- The participants understand that if at any point the mediation process is causing undue distress, it may be decided to end the meeting.
- The participants understand that the Mediator is completely independent and does not have any personal or professional interest in what the outcome of the mediation should be.
- Where a mediator suspects that a person is in danger of significant harm, or if there is disclosure of a safeguarding issue relating to a vulnerable adult or child, the mediation will end and the appropriate authorities will be notified.
- Where a mediator becomes aware of any criminal activity, the knowledge of which would be classified as collusion in a crime, the mediator will terminate the mediation and the relevant authorities may need to be notified.
- Oak Community Services follows the Code of Conduct as outlined by the College of Mediators, and as such our Code of Conduct and accompanying complaints procedure are available in writing upon request.