Sick Policy: If my child is sick or not feeling well, I will keep them home FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS after symptoms have disappeared, WITHOUT the use of medication. If I have to give my child medicine to feel better, I will not bring them to school but will keep them home until there are no more symptoms and my child feels better without the use of medication. If my child becomes sick at school and has to go home, I will have them picked up immediately and will keep them home for at least 24 hours after symptoms have disappeared. Click here to read complete ILLNESS GUIDELINES.
Biting/Spitting/Disrespecting Adults: I confirm my child does not bite or spit on siblings or other children and is respectful of adults. If my child exhibits these behaviors at school, I will be requested to pick up my child from school immediately and they may be withdrawn from the school after the FIRST incident.
Potty Time: I confirm that my child is 100% potty trained and has mastered using the bathroom and wiping themselves without any help or supervision. If they have an accident, I will be called to come clean up my child. Should my child have 3 accidents within 30 days, their enrollment may be suspended or withdrawn. Click here to READ POTTY GUIDELINES
Behavior Policy: I confirm that my child does not throw tantrums, harm siblings or peers, and is respectful to adults. If my child exhibits these behaviors at school, is continually disruptive in class, or requires constant one-on-one monitoring by the teachers, they will have a Behavior Incident Report drawn up for my signature. My child may be withdrawn from the school at the teacher or director's discretion for repeated reports. Click here to read complete BEHAVIOR AND GUIDEANCE POLICY.
Lunch: I will provide a nutritious lunch from home with no sweets or juice each day for my child. No deliveries from Door Dash, Uber Eats, restaurant delivery or other. I will provide a snack for the class once a month, based upon the Snack Calendar provided by my child's teacher.
Items Brought from Home: I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Estrella Mountain Preschool and its staff from any loss or damage to toys, clothes, jewelry, or any other personal articles brought from home.