Manual Quotes & Design Projects
Project Details
What services do you require?
3D Printing
Design & 3D Printing
Design Optimization & 3D Printing
Reverse Engineering & 3D Printing
Consult With Us
What 3D printing technology will you use?
FDM - Fused Deposition Modeling
SLA - Stereolithography
MJF - Multi Jet Fusion
SLM - Selective Laser Melting (Metal)
Consult With Us
What 3D printing material will you use?
What 3D printing material will you use?
What 3D printing material will you use?
What 3D printing material will you use?
What 3D printing material will you use?
How many different parts will you have manufactured?
What quantity of units do you require for each part?
Project Information
Project Name
What is the name of the product you would like us to manufacture?
Project Description
Provide as much detail as possible about the dimensions of your design. This will help us quickly review your request and provide you with a formal quote.
What is your expected budget for the design work (Rands)?
Please Select
R150 - R999
R1000 - R2999
R3000 - 4999
Do you have a budget in mind for the 3D design work? Our team can provide you with a more accurate quote once we have a better understanding of your project. However, our design work typically starts at R150 and increases based on the complexity of the design work required.
File Upload
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Upload your CAD files - 3D models, drawings, or sketches. For reverse engineering, please provide a few images of the existing sample next to a ruler or measuring tape. This will help us to understand the geometry of the object and quote the reverse engineering cost. Maximum file size is currently 102MB.
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Position held at your company
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
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