I indemnify and hold harmless the The Belle Theatre, Inc., any of its employees, officers, board members, sponsors, partner organizations, contractors, and/or agents from all claims from my use of The Belle Theatre property or participation in Project Punchout. I will further indemnify and hold harmless The Belle Theatre, Inc., its employees, officers, board members, sponsors, partner organizations, contractors, and/or agents, board members and other associated parties from all costs, expenses and liabilities resulting from any claim brought from my use of The Belle Theatre’s property and/or participation in The Belle Theatre programs to the extent of The Belle Theatre’s liability under general law. I understand and acknowledge that by signing this Release I knowingly assume the risk of injury, harm, damage and loss associated with the Activities. I also understand that the Released Parties do not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide financial assistance or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health or disability insurance in the event of injury, illness, death or property damage.
I understand that photographs and videos may be taken during my participation in Project Punchout and I give The Belle Theatre, Inc. permission to use these photographs and videos for publicity, marketing, archival and promotional purposes. I hereby release and hold harmless The Belle Theatre, Inc. and its employees, officers, board members, sponsors, partner organizations, contractors, and/or agents, board members and other associated parties from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality associated with the images and/or videos specified. All images and/or videos will be stored on company devices and profiles.