15 - 19 July
General Information
If you wish to be considered for the Vrystaat Arts Festival Main Programme, this application form should be fully completed along with all required attachments on or before the closing date, Monday, 11 October 2024. Only applications submitted online will be considered. The Vrystaat Arts Festival accepts no responsibility for documents lost in the mail.
Balance of Festival Programme
To compile a balanced programme, the screening committee of the Vrystaat Arts Festival considers various aspects such as affordability, originality, integration, target groups, a profile of artists, artistic merit, supply, and demand.
All proposals received before the deadline will be evaluated by the Vrystaat Arts Festival screening committee. The screening committee is an annually rotated independent board of 7 members that are not influenced by any outside stakeholders. The programme content will be determined by the screening committee and presented for approval to the management committee of the Vrystaat Arts Festival. The management committee reserves the right to fund selected productions and invite artists to be included in the program. The management committee's decision is final, and no corrospondence will be entered into.
Involvement in Various Productions
To facilitate scheduling, please note that no member of any performance (musicians and technicians included) may be involved in more than three (3) productions.
Remuneration and Funding
Please attach a full budget to this application form. If applicable, remuneration packages will be discussed (negotiated) individually (with approved productions). The Vrystaat Arts Festival will only fund the pre-production costs of selected productions. The National Arts Council and Lotto (National Lotteries Commission) regularly consider applications for funding. More information is available on www.nac.org.za and https://www.nlcsa.org.za.
Performance Rights
Every production is responsible for finalising performance rights with DALRO, SAMRO, and/or the relevant applicable licensing and copyright organisation. (This should be considered part of the production’s full budget.) The Vrystaat Arts Festival accepts no responsibility for paying any performance rights and will, if applicable, deduct the owed amount from the remuneration package.
Vrystaat Arts Festival's final scheduling will be done with the festival’s technical committee and individual negotiations with approved productions. It is thus very important that available dates and technical requirements be provided correctly and indicate the involvement of artists, musicians, or technicians in other productions.
Complimentary Tickets
The Vrystaat Arts Festival reserves the right to draw a pre-approved limited number of complimentary tickets per production for the media and sponsors and/or to be used at their discretion.
Publicity and Marketing
Each production is responsible for its own publicity and marketing, although the Vrystaat Arts Festival will work to provide general coverage. Please note that not all productions are guaranteed the same amount of publicity.
The effectiveness of a production’s exposure is influenced by the nature and extent of the publicity material provided to the Vrystaat Arts Festival and the variety of platforms a production utilizes outside traditional marketing. Remember that marketing is essential to selling tickets; every production should take this seriously.
The Vrystaat Arts Festival will accept responsibility for distributing 20 posters per production on the University of the Free State campus. This will only be done IF the posters are sent within the given timeframe. At no time will the festival print any marketing material for any production.
To display posters or any publicity material outside the campus is the responsibility of the artist/production house. The administration of the Vrystaat Arts Festival will assist in providing information and contact numbers upon request.
NB: The Vrystaat Arts Festival will not be held responsible for erroneous information on dates, venues, and times on posters.
All productions and exhibitions are advertised on the Vrystaat Arts Festival’s website.
The involvement of sponsors in productions/performances should be cleared with the Vrystaat Arts Festival to prevent conflicting interests between festival and production sponsors.
In addition to and without prejudice to any other indemnity or obligation contained or contemplated in this application, the applicant shall be liable to the Vrystaat Arts Festival and hereby indemnifies the Vrystaat Arts Festival, its directors, partners, officers, employees, representatives, and agents and holds them harmless and keeps them so indemnified and harmless in full against any claim (including but not limited to legal costs incurred in defending any third party claims or enforcing this indemnity) by any third party against the Vrystaat Arts Festival, attributable to or arising (whether directly or indirectly) from the applicant’s fault or negligence or default by the applicant in respect to any of its obligations in terms of this application thereto or attributable to or arising from any act or omission on the part of any person appointed by the applicant.
11 November 2024 - Application close
29 November 2024 - Results of screening announced
13 December 2024 - Programme Information submitted
Contact Information
Festival Director
Michael Garbett
Email: Michael@vrystaatkunstefees.co.za
Programme Coordinator
Tamsyn Alexander
Email: Tamsyn@vrystaatkunstefees.co.za
Programme Coordinator
Hanro Cloete
Email: Hanro@vrystaatkunstefees.co.za