Conflict of Interest Resolution
If speakers are found to have a financial relationship when completing the Speaker Disclosure form, the Northeast Kentucky Area Health Education Center will follow appropriate steps to ensure a conflict of interest does not intrude upon the education content of the continuing education program. The NE KY AHEC, by either the Continuing Education Coordinator or their designee, will complete the following steps:
- Identify the conflict of interest as documented in the speaker disclosure form and documents that the conflict has been addressed.
- Contact the speaker(s) to discuss the definition of a Conflict of Interest as defined in the policy on the Speaker Disclosure form.
- The speaker will be required to submit their presentation slides at least 7 days prior to the activity, so that the committee can look over approve it is free of any commercial bias.
- In order to meet accreditation requirements regarding potential conflicts, speakers must adhere to the following requirements:
Any recommendations involving clinical medicine must be based on evidence accepted within the medical profession as appropriate for the care of patients.
- Research reported or referred to should conform to accepted standards
- Content should promote improvements in quality of care and not a specific business or ineligible company.
- A balanced view of therapeutic options should be given, along with generic names to provide impartiality.
- Educational materials can't contain any advertising, trade names or produced messages.