Starter Company Plus Application
Thanks for your interest in the Starter Company Plus Grant program. This form helps us know if you are eligible for the program before we get too far along. Completing this form does not qualify as an application. The next step to apply is to attend the Business Planning Bootcamp and complete a business plan and 2 year cash flow. A Business Advisor will be in touch to help you navigate the next steps. Please know, that even if you aren't eligible for the grant program you can still benefit from our free 1-on-1 business coaching sessions with a one of our teams Business Advisors.
First Name
Preferred Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Business Name
In one or two sentences, describe the products/services your business offers?
Do you have any training, certifications, or experience related to the business you are starting/running? (1-2 sentences)
How long have you been running your business?
I haven't started yet
Less than 6 months
6 months to a year
1 to 2 years
3 to 4 years
5+ years
What is the structure of your company?
Sole Proprietorship
Not registered yet
What percentage of the company do you own?
Business Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Home Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Personal Information
Please select all that apply.
I am in school part time or full-time
I am currently working outside of my business part time (11hr/week or less)
I am currently working outside my business between 12 and 29 hrs/week
I am currently working outside of my business full time (30+ hours a week)
I work in my business full time (30+ hrs/week)
Are you a resident of Ontario?
Are you a Canadian citizen or permanent resident?
Are you running your business at arm's length form family or family run businesses?
At what level are you currently operating in your business?
Side hustle (0-10 hrs/week)
Part time (11-29hrs/week)
Full Time (30+ hours/week)
Have you ever received a grant from the Province of Ontario?
Are you currently participating in any of the following programs?
ODSP - Ontario Disability Support Program
EI - Employment Insurance
OW - Ontario Works
None of the above
What is your purpose in applying for this grant?
To start my business
To help with cashflow
To expand my business
To pay wages (myself or others)
What do you want to spend the grant money on? Please provide estimated costs for items. List format is great.
How will spending money on the above-mentioned items help your business?
It will allow me to hire employees
It will allow me to expand into a commercial store front
I will be able to launch my business
I will add an additional product/service
It will increase my capacity/production
We are looking for people who want to learn and grow. Give us a sense of your skill level in these areas and don't be afraid to tell us where you still need some support.
Please rate yourself on the following categories.
1 - No experience
2 - Getting by
3 -Average
4 - Good
5 - Very Proficient
Product/Service Consistency
Social Media
Cash flow
Employee Management
Customer Service/Relationship
Please tell us what you are really good at in your business. This can be skills, connections, trainings, previous experience. (200 words max.)
Please tell us what skills or gaps you would like to fill? (200 words max.)
Authorization and Certification: (a) I understand that completing this form does not qualify as an application but is an assessment of eligibility for the Starter Company Plus Grant program; (b) I certify that the information provided herein is complete, true and accurate; (c) I understand that incomplete forms cannot be assessed for eligibility; (d) I acknowledge that if I am successful in receiving the Starter Company Plus grant, that this will be considered personal taxable income and a T-4A slip will be issued.
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