Sue Rucker JuJu Production Award
Nomination Form
Submission Period for 2023 Awards is
January 1 - May 1, 2024
Certificates are awarded on the highest category for which they qualify and are based on a 305 day or less lactation:
● Bronze Juju - At least 750 pounds milk or 37.5 pounds butterfat
● Silver Juju - At least 1000 pounds milk or 50 pounds butterfat
● Gold Juju - At least 1250 pounds milk or 67.5 pounds butterfat
● Platinum Juju - Permanent (ADGA) or Master (AGS) Champion plus either 1250 lbs or more of milk OR 67.5 lbs of butterfat.
● Grand Award -- Any doe over the age of 6, milking 900 lbs or more
● Lifetime Award -- 5000 lbs. of milk and 250 lbs of butterfat in any number of lactations (this is a one time award)
● Sire Award - Sire has 3 or more daughters qualifying for any of the awards listed above.
*Current proof of height measurement is required. If an animal has an Over Height coding on ANY Linear Appraisal, Classification, or DHIR vertification they are not eligible. Over-height does or bucks do not qualify for this award.
Proof of height documents include ADGA linear appraisal score sheet, AGS classification score sheet, DHIR Verfication Test height sheet, if verification test is not required, tester can measure and sign an official ANDDA height sheet verification form (including bucks). No screen shots from the ADGA Genetics website will be accepted as proof. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.