A tenant of yours has recently inquired about Intelecyn Powered by RTC Fiber Internet service. Their receipt of service from Intelecyn is contingent upon obtaining a right of entry into the residence and running fiber to the home, either buried or aerial, installing a NID (grey fiber service box) on the outside of the residence and installing fiber inside the home which may require going into crawl spaces, basements and feeding fiber through walls, floors, etc. By providing this signed form, you are granting Intelecyn permission to install new service as the Landlord or Property Owner for this property.
We have also requested that your tenant make the appropriate accommodations for any pets or locked gates, as well as, ensuring any other individuals that need to know about the install are aware i.e. facilities and maintenance teams.
If you have any specific requests for placement of fiber or fiber boxes on the residence please contact us at 812-486-3211.
Intelecyn takes care of calling 811 for all utility locates for buried fiber service lines.