The life-balance checklist is backed by research from CherishClub in working with hundreds of women to support them in achieving resilience in their lives as mothers, and leaders in the workplace. It encapsulates four (04) areas of a woman's life which are proven to be the bedrock for resilience. All equally important in a woman's life, these 4 areas are:
1. Productive Use Of Time At Work
2. Good Support System At Home
3. Self Care (Physical And Mental)
4. Confidence To Push Back Reasonably & Set Boundaries
This guide will lead you to assess where you are right now in your life balance (see checklist on next page), in order to determine potential actions suggested throughout the guide, to develop your resilience at any given moment. As you evolve in your personal and life experience, please treat this guide as your companion in moments where you feel down in one area and might be out of inspiration on what to do to get back on track.