Presenter and Assessor Application
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Technical ID Number
Working with Children Check Number
Please list all of your Gymnastics Australia Coaching and Judging Accreditations.
Please list any additional related accreditations (Teaching degree, Cert 3 and 4 in training and assessment etc.)
Please detail your coaching and judging experience.
Please detail any experience you have delivering education or professional development.
Why would you like to become a Gymnastics Victoria Presenter?
What attributes do you possess that would make you a suitable presenter and assessor?
What do GV's Values mean to you and how do you demonstrate them?
Child Safety
Gymnastics Victoria (GV / we / our / us) is committed to safeguarding Children in its care. As part of this commitment, we have developed practice and behaviour guidelines for GV, and these are approved and endorsed by our Board and GV CEO. All our Personnel, our Board of Directors and volunteers, are required to observe our practice and behaviour guidelines. When any Personnel and volunteers commence with GV, they are required to sign this Child safety Commitment Statement. Management considers a failure to observe our guidelines to be misconduct that may result in disciplinary action. Depending on the seriousness of the misconduct, disciplinary action may include suspension while matters are investigated and/or dismissal. In addition to any internal disciplinary proceedings, any breaches of law will be reported to police or other relevant authority.
I have read and understood the GV Child safe Policy and the GV Member protection Policy
I have read and understood the GV Codes of behaviour
I understand my responsibilities in relation to ensuring and promoting the safety of children.
I will observe obligations set out by the Member Protection Policy and Child safety policy during my engagement with GV to ensure and promote the safety of children participating in activities provided by GV
I understand that I must report any criminal conviction or charge prior to and any subsequent to my engagement that indicates that I may present a potential risk to children
Complaint and Overseas declaration
I have not had any disciplinary proceedings brought against me by an employer, sporting organisation or similar body involving child abuse, sexual misconduct or harassment, other forms of harassment or acts of violence;
I had disciplinary proceedings brought against me by an employer, sporting organisation or similar body involving child abuse, sexual misconduct or harassment, other forms of harassment or acts of violenceand have attached to this declaration all information and documentation relating to the same (including without limitation correspondence from the relevant body imposing such disciplinary proceedings or measures) as applicable.
If you have lived in another country for a period longer than 6months in the past 10 years you will be required to complete an international police check from every country you have resided in.
I have NOT lived in another country (outside ofAustralia) for a period longer than 6 months in the past 10 years
I HAVE lived outside of Australia for a period longer than 6 months in the past 10 years
Successful applicants will undergo a full Child Safe screening interview and reference checks. Do you agree to participant in this process?
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