Freedom Ministry- Intake Form
This form must be filled out prior to being scheduled to receive a Freedom session at Church Tsidkenu. This form is to give us more information about what areas you are seeking help with, so that we can more effectively minister to your needs. By signing this form you are agreeing to release all liability of Church Tsidkenu inc. Our office Admin will be reaching out within 3-5 business days to discuss scheduling options.
Personal Info
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Are you a Minor?
Yes, I am under 18 years old
No, I am 18 years or older
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Waiver Release Statement
I understand that I am participating in this Session or any Church Tsidkenu affiliated meeting or event at my own risk. Church Tsidkenu or its affiliates are not responsible for any injuries or complications that may occur. Church Tsidkenu and anyone associated with them or their events/counseling are not a medical doctor, attorney, psychiatrist, therapist or other licensed health professional. We do not diagnose, cure, heal, or treat disease, or give psychological treatment. We recommend that all participants continue to see their regular medical doctors and trained professional counselors and follow their advice as needed. As consideration for being permitted by Church Tsidkenu and Fire Academy, in the State of California, the County of San Diego to participate in these activities and use the Church’s premises and facilities and staff, I forever release Church Tsidkenu and Fire Academy, the State, the County,, any church affiliated organization, and their respective directors, teachers, pastors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, contractors, and representatives (collectively “Releases”) from any and all actions, claims, or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributees, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives now have, or may have in the future, for injury, death, or property damage, related to (i) participation in these activities, (ii) the negligence or other acts, whether directly connected to these activities or not, and however caused, by any Releasee, or (iii) the condition of the premises where these activities occur, whether or not I am then participating in the activities. I also agree that I, my assignees, heirs, distributees, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives will not make a claim against, sue, or attach the property of any Releasee in connection with any of the matters covered by the foregoing release. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF AND THE CHURCH, THE STATE, AND THE COUNTY AND SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. Absolute Confidentiality: The communications between leaders and atendees will be considered absolutely confidential EXCEPT to the extent disclosure is required by law or in other instances in which the leader learns of potential threats of harm to self or others, including but not limited to cases of child abuse or neglect, suicide, domestic violence or other violence or physical threats, or homicide. In such instances, information may be disclosed to the TK Pastoral staff or Director of the Tsidkenu Freedom Ministry and/or to appropriate state law enforcement authorities. By signing this document, you agree to such disclosure for supervision purposes only.
By checking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to us, obtain a paper copy of an electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. There is no penalty for withdrawing your consent. You should always make sure that we have a current email address in order to contact you regarding any changes, if necessary.
I agree
Participant's typed Name (Or Legal Guardian's name if participate is a minor)
Participant's Signature (or Legal Guardian's Signature)
Freedom Session Info
Are you a CURRENT Fire Academy Student?
Do you attend a local church regularly? If so, which church? If not, briefly explain why.
Have you ever received any deliverance/Inner healing ministry in the past? If so, please explain your experience and the outcome
In your own words, briefly summarize the main reason you are seeking help through Tsidkenu Freedom ministry?
Personal History INVENTORY: Please check all the areas below that you have engaged with or experienced symptoms with at some point in your life, from conception until now.
DEATH/SUICIDE: mortal conditions, involvement in paganistic worship of or celebrations of death dark holidays, heart attack, cancer, actually physically dead, on their deathbed, and hospice. Suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts.
JEZEBEL/CONTROL: Manipulation and control. Must be control of all areas and people in an environment, distorts truth, always makes others seem in wrong, uses guilt as a tactic, normally mocks and scoffs at authority, will normally start to laugh as soon as confronted. Gravitates towards those with power and influence and will try and control them. Hangs out with people with religious spirits a lot.
BITTERNESS/UN-FORGIVENESS: Won't forgive someone, holds grudges, lots of bitterness, gets mad when talking about specific people, situations from past, won't forgive offense (sometimes cancer is associated with unforgiveness), mad, holding grudges, hard heart.
TERROR/FEAR- Nightmares or reoccurring terror intimidation, all phobias, shyness or inferiority, fear of failure, authority, loss of control, rejection, worry, anxiety, heart, disappointing others, stress, people; people pleasing.
LAZINESS/SLOTH- Laziness, sloth, constant fatigue, lethargy, lack of focus, procrastination, chronic tardiness, passionless, chronic apathy, consistent quitting, lack of organization, withdrawn, satisfied being alone and without. Isolation.
DEAF, MUTE, BLIND SPIRIT: Disease of the eyes and/or ears deafness, chronic ear pain/ringing in the ears, muteness, attack on voice.
PRIDE/PUFFED UP: Talk about yourself a lot, put others down, always have to have best story, one up everyone, feel insecure deep down, arrogant, aloof, not willing to submit, always has to be right, looks down on others, compares themselves, talks a lot and listens little.
DEPRESSION/DESPAIR: Sad countenance, suicidal thoughts, fear of failure, massive apathy, sadness, hopelessness, despair, negative personal view, negative outlook on life. Given up on life. Given up on people. Too into media and movies. Escapism.
CONFUSION/DELUSION: Won't stop talking. Always needs to talk over you. Conversation doesn't make sense. Occultism, mixing and matching religions, talks about "morningstar"*, one of the big signs is pride and inflated ego, "I am the greatest", talks a lot about angels and non-biblical revelations, paranoia, fear of man, can't think straight, talks a lot but says little that makes sense.
JEALOUSY: Someone is always better than them in their mind, anger at others promotions or at others' fortunes in life, can't really enjoy others getting blessed, always looking at others, hard time receiving love from God, orphan complex, sometimes rejection as well. Poor self-image.
INFIRMITY/SICKNESS: All disease and sickness, especially things that have been around for a while. Cancer, diabetes, MS, overall feeling of despair, moving symptoms, when you pray they move around, when you pray for healing, nothing happens. Most sickness is demonic in nature, if they are not getting healed, cast the demon out. Jesus would often cast out demons and not pray for people and they would get healed.
WITCHCRAFT/OCCULT: A constant feeling of heightened oppression no matter what you do. Talisman, Ouija boards, satanic, cartel rituals, witchcraft, mysticism, fortune tellers, tarot cards, and relationships with people who have done these; astrology, horoscopes, whispering spirits. Calling on spirit other than God, Satanic worship, shamans. Many time schizophrenics and multiple personalities disorders have these. Most extra voices you hear are demonic.
RELIGION/ANTI-CHRIST: Offense, nit-picking on every detail, condemnation, anger outbursts, a lack of the ability to walk in love, more worried about being right than live, pride is very big here, major fear, will always act up when Holy Spirit is moving, hates Holy Spirit joy and any loss of control, confusing interpretation of scripture and always out of context. Sounds wise but is always out of context with the rest of the bible. Struggles with grace. Self-condemnation is very big for this spirit. Hard on themselves. Confusion. Typically, is influenced by a counterfeit Holy Spirit.
ADDICTION: All drugs, narcotics, pornography, food, sugar, caffeine, social media, movies, relationships, any chemical/emotional dependency on something other than God for fulfillment. Freaks out when deprived of this, withdraws, manipulation of people to get it, manipulation of grace, victim mentality, typically needs a combination of deliverance and time in the Word and possibly a place without the substance option for a while.
LUST: Pornography, looking at women/men, can't get images out of your mind, can't stop thinking about women or men, believes the lie that this is part of your identity, coldness to others, hardness of heart, doesn't want most physical contact, hard time, can't be around a person without having lustful thoughts, perverse thoughts, a gateway to sexual perversions. A hard time of really connecting with people of the opposite gender.
PERVERSION: All sexual deviations: pedophilia, bestiality, attractions to same gender, sadism, all deviations, fetishes, inordinate affections, sexual violence.
LYING: Can't stop lying, can't tell the truth, exaggerates, blames others, makes yourself look good, exaggerates on stories, tries to control outcome of people's perceptions.
TRAUMA: Car accidents, all traumatic accidents, sports injuries, all violence done to you, falling, getting hit by a car, getting hit in general, most circumstances that lead to pain or injury, many times people will get healed instantly after trauma spirit is evicted.
TORMENT: Tormenting thoughts, tormenting actions, fears, nonstop voices in head, tormenting diseases, can't get lies out of your head, thoughts that go on and on in your mind.
List any MENTAL health issues you have and any prescribed medicines you take for it
List any major PHYSICAL health issues you are struggling with and any prescribed medicines you take for it.
Briefly summarize any major traumatic events that occurred in your life and the age it happened to you. (ie. abuse, rape, major accidents, abortion, etc.)
If applicable, please explain in more detail what kind of witchcraft/occult activity you have been involved with in the past.
List any sinful habits, addictions, or tormenting thought patterns you are CURRENTLY struggling with right now.
Briefly tell us if there are any unhealthy relationships you have in your life right now that you feel might be contributing to your struggles?
Please share anything else you think would be useful in helping receive your freedom
Scheduling Info
Which type of ministry are you looking to receive?
Please Select
Inner Healing
I'm not sure
Which days work best for your availability (sessions are scheduled for 2 hour time blocks)
Which time slot would you like?
Would you like to request a specific ministry leader? (Not guaranteed)
Notes, special requests, or questions
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