On December 3, 2023, TIF is sponsoring the Junior World Championship at Throw Nation in Dublin, Ohio.
Registration is open to any thrower 18 or under on the date of the event, and it is capped at 16 throwers.
Throwers must have participated in at least one WATL event previously (league or tournament), and have an existing WATL ID.
Each thrower will receive a minimum payment of $125 for participating, on the weekend of the event. Each thrower is guaranteed at least 4 matches in the tournament.
We will start with a Swiss Rules Tournament (groups of 4, each thrower playing all other throwers in that group, for a total of 3 games). The top 2 from each group will move forward to a single elimination "Over" Tournament, and the bottom 2 from each group will proceed to a single elimination "Under" tournament.
If you have any questions prior to registering, please contact tifjuniorwc@throwingitfoward.com