We only collect the data we require so you can safely take part in the activity.
We collect this data through this form which is processed by JOTFORM Inc. who store all the data collected off site at GDPR compliant servers based in Europe.
We will only use your data for the purposes for which it has been collected, mainly -
To identify you and/or your named emergency contact if required.
To ensure we have a record of your contact details should we need to inform you of short notice closure or information in relation to your participation for any reason.
To ensure we have any relevant medical details available for the emergency services if required.
By completing this form you are agreeing we can hold this data in the way described and are agreeing that JOTFORM Inc. can process this data on our behalf.
ALL data collected will be DELETED and PERMANENTLY REMOVED from the servers within 30 days if you request this in writting and no longer wish to use our facilities.
If you have any questions about this process, the reasons we collect and hold data about you or how we hold, take care of and dispose of this data, then please email us BEFORE completing this form via email