Preform For Amazing 102.5 FM
Please complete the form below to provide details about your submission.
Which event would you like to perform for?
Event 1 (Date)
Event 2 (Date)
Event 3 (Date)
Event 4 (Date)
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Artist Name
Instagram Handle
Phone Number
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Are you interested with sponsorship opportunities with Amazing 102.5?
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I, give KMAZ LP 102.5fm permission to use my name, image, voice, and likeness in photos, videos, and other media for promotion, marketing, and advertising, through the KMAZ LP 102.5fm Brand and Media outlets.
I, give KMAZ LP 102.5fm permission to use my name, image, voice, and likeness in photos, videos, and other media for promotion, marketing, and aadvertising, through the KMAZ LP 102.5fm Brand and Media outlets.
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