Dear Parents,
Thank you for your interest in Chabad Preschool for the September 2024 School year.
Chabad Preschool is a certified early childhood program licensed under the NYC Department of Health. We offer a creative and safe environment for your child, while in a warm Jewish setting. The classroom is organized to take advantage of a young child’s innate curiosity, stimulating active learning. The room is arranged with a variety of age-appropriate materials that give the child ample opportunities to learn, to explore, to discover and to grow at their own pace. They are encouraged to test ideas, to learn how to be resourceful and to experience the joy and satisfaction of a well-earned achievement, while learning to appreciate the rights, needs, and abilities of others. Our staff assists, guides and encourages each child according to his/her individual interests and present level of development.
Please fill out the registration form and submit with a $300 non-refundable application fee. We will then schedule a visit so that we can meet you and your child. Upon acceptance, you will receive a tuition contract and Parent handbook.
If you have any questions please call 212.717.4613 x2 or email
Thank you,
Chanie Krasnianski
Preschool Director
Classes and Tuition
Almost Two's and Two's Class: (Children need to be 2 by December 2024)
Option 1: Lunch Club / M-T - 9:30-12:30 pm, Friday - 9:30-12:15 pm: Tuition plus fees totals: $26,000
Option 2: 5 full days / 9:30 - 2:20 (Fri. until 12:15 pm). Tuition plus fees totals: $27,500
Two's Class: (Children need to be 2 by August 2024)
Option 1: Lunch Club / M-T - 9:30-12:30 pm, Friday - 9:30-12:15 pm: Tuition plus fees totals: $26,000
Option 2: 5 full days / 9:30 - 2:25 (Fri. until 12:15 pm). Tuition plus fees totals: $27,500
Three's Class: (Children are 3 by Sept. 2024)
5 days / Mon. - Fri. 9:30 - 2:30 (Friday until 12:25 pm) Tuition plus fees totals: $27,500
Fours's Class: (Children are 4 by Sept. 2024) 5 days / Mon. - Fri. 9:15 - 2:45, Fridays until 12:30. Tuition plus fees totals: $28,000
Tuition and Fees Breakdown:
Base Tuition for 2's = $20,700-$22,200 / Base Tuition for 3's= $22,220 / Base Tuition for 4's $22,700
*Explanation of other fees:
Registration: $300 non refundable application fee
Lunch: $1200
Security Guard: $1,000 (per child)
PTA Dues: $350 (sibling is $200)
Building fund: 1 time payment per family $1,000 * Tax deductible
Annual Fundraiser commitment - $1,750 per family * Tax deductible
Option for extended hours:
Early-care - (8:30 am) $2000 for the year, or $18 per day: Pay as you go.
After-care- (2:30 - 3:40 pm) $2000 for the year, or $18 per day: Pay as you go. (Fridays 12:30- 1:30 pm)
Please note: in the event of delayed opening or mid year government closure (beyond a 2 week closure) tuition will be prorated to reflect loss of school days.