Historical Demand for Lawful Authority of Department of Motor Vehicles
I, ___________________________, one of the People, Sui Juris, do provide you with this notice that you may show lawful authority to the People and that you and your agents may provide due care:
Please take notice that the People have come together, assembled, and previously given notice to government servants, including Supreme Court Justices, in regards to issues with ATF and government failing to follow fundamental law, and we have seen that the Bruen case has clearly shown that the Supreme Court agrees with our understanding. Therefore, in similar fashion, it is my wish, order and demand that you show the historical authority for the State workers to force the People to register their property with an entity called DMV to use roads that are already the property of the Body Politic, which is created by the People by constitutional right for their benefit. If you should fail to be able to respond by affidavit within 5 days with Constitutional authority, sworn under penalty of perjury, with delegated historical authority to block the People’s right to use their roads freely, you agree that you have transferred the People’s right to a foreign (non governmental) power and done so against the granted authority of the People. If you should not immediately correct the issues and give public notice of the People’s right to freely use roads and property (automobiles) and clear up the fact that based on maxim, title is not a piece of paper from a DMV but as established below, it a trespass against the People with full knowledge, intent, and malice (See evidence below):
Maxim: 91x. When a man has the possession as well as the right of property, he is said to have jus duplicatum—a double right, forming a complete title. Bract. lib. 4, tr. 4, c. 4; 2 Bl. Comm. 199, 311.
Maxim: 91v. A title is the just right of possessing that which is our own. C.L.M.
Please take notice that title by maxim, which are fundamental principles of law that are universally accepted in all civilized nations, declare that when a man has a right to property (enshrined in the State Constitutions and guaranteed as an inherent right) and he has possession of that item, that it is what is called a double right, and title is simply the just right of possessing what is our own. In light of this understanding and truth, please provide historical evidence and usages at the time of the creation of this nation, that shows the People having to register their property with a third party called the DMV to be able to use their own roads, which are theirs to use by right with their own property, or you agree that this action is being done without lawful authority and an attack on the rights of the People.