The RESTART Network aims to gather studies and evaluations on pandemic recovery to support policymakers, leaders, and practitioners as they embark on acceleration and recovery of pandemic-related learning loss among preK-12 students. Specifically, we are interested in learning about activities, interventions, and programs that have been implemented to help students and staff recover in the areas of math and literacy, accelerated learning, social-emotional learning, tutoring, summer/before/after-school programming, and teacher retention and well-being.
We need your help.
We are seeking information on planned, in-process and completed evaluations and studies that focus on pandemic recovery efforts across state and local preK-12 public education systems. Our aims are to:
- Bring this information together to improve our understanding of the landscape of strategies and evaluations throughout the country;
- Identify lessons learned from the experience;
- Identify promising strategies for improving student outcomes; and
- Share strategies and evidence with policymakers, leaders, and practitioners.
What is the benefit to you?
- This is an opportunity to share your work and be part of a collective effort to support pandemic recovery.
- Your participation in the RESTART Network registry ensures you are part of a research community with similar areas of focus and interest.
- You can choose to receive the latest updates/newsletters on researcher activities and research findings, syntheses on evidence-based strategies, access to Network resources and invitations to Network information sharing sessions and more.
What do I need to submit?
We are interested in your work even if you do not have a final report or if the work is in process. We are hoping to capture information about the extent to which studies, research, and evaluations are underway (or completed). This means providing us with information about your work—and sharing results when you have them via slide deck—memo, final report, etc.
The RESTART Network Registry of Pandemic Recovery Evaluations in Education (registry) is accepting information about evaluations related to educational recovery associated with the pandemic:
- Using any type of evaluation design (including studies using any methodology or level of rigor)
- At any stage of completeness (planned, ongoing, completed, published, or unpublished)
- Regardless of funding source (e.g., state, federal, philanthropic)
- Conducted by any evaluators (internal or third-party)
- Regardless of dissemination plans.
Our goal is to collect and amplify evaluation efforts across the country and to synthesize these efforts across different topic areas, regions, and student groups.
Who will see the registry information?
You can determine whether you want specific information about your study to be shared. There are options to share your study focus, findings, and your contact information. It is entirely up to you. The benefit of sharing your information is that it will be accessible to other researchers and to the public.
How do I complete a registry submission?
Please complete the following questions to provide (1) information about the program, strategy, or activity being evaluated, (2) information about the evaluation, (3) the evaluation timeline, (4) dissemination activities, and (5) your contact information.
What if I have questions?
We appreciate your willingness to share your work with us! Feel free to contact our study team by email at with any questions.