Appalachia Track Application
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email
Your Phone Number
Graduation Date (Month & Year)
Please share the story of your faith, including your church background:
What is your interest in and knowledge of the Appalachia region?
What are your plans for your career or continuing education (grad school, for example)?
Please provide us with two references:
Reference #1
Reference #2
Would you like our help with connecting you to potential jobs in Richmond?
No, I don't need help at this time
Yes, with a job in education
Yes, with a job in business
Yes, with a job in healthcare
Yes, with a job in politics
Yes, with a job in law enforcement
Yes, with a job in ministry
Yes, with a job as a tradesperson
Yes, with another job field
Commitment Section
If you are accepted into this program, will you commit to:
Attending worship at Covenant?
Helping Covenant minister to the poor?
Participating in a Covenant Neighborhood Group?
Living with other AppTrack participants in downtown Richmond?
Should be Empty: