Please see instructions below to access the school performance report:
- Visit the Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed Performance Dashboard.
- Utilize the search feature, located in the top right corner, to navigate to your school summary page.
- Under the name of the school, to the right of where it says "Website," click "School Performance Report."
- A new modal window will appear containing your individual school performance report. At the bottom of this window, you have the option to "Copy and paste the following HTML into your website."
- Click the button to the right of the HTML code, and the HTML code will copy to your clipboard.
- Share the HTML code with your webmaster so that it can be embedded into your school website.
- Note: There is unique HTML code for each school and the HTML code must be embedded onto your website code to display the full report.
- Once the school performance report has been added to your school website homepage, complete this Jotform to confirm your school's compliance with HEA 1591.